for creative party & dining memories...

8:00- | 9:00am | Have fun in your kitchen…that’s the most important part! |
9:00- | 10:00am | Your food will only taste as good as your ingredients! |
10:00- | 11:00am | If you have a “bad taste memory” about a certain food, you owe it to yourself to try it again! |
11:00- | 12 noon | Only keep spices for a year…save the jars, buy spices in bulk and reuse the jars. |
12:00- | 1:00pm | Don’t leave vegetables too long in water…they lose some of their flavor by absorbing too much water. |
1:00- | 2:00pm | Produce is a personal thing…stand back in the produce department and watch what’s happening. |
2:00- | 3:00pm | You don’t cry if your knife is very sharp. |
3:00- | 4:00pm | Change a favorite beef stew recipe and use either pork or lamb. |
4:00- | 5:00pm | If you don’t want to drink the wine…don’t cook with it! |
5:00- | 6:00pm | If you want to cut the hot in a recipe…add sour cream…flush out hot with dairy, not water…even in your eyes. |
6:00- | 7:00pm | A feisty cuisine speaks to the entire palette. |
7:00- | 8:00pm | Add turnips and parsnips to mashed potatoes… you’ll fool the kids and have more veggies in their diet…you’ll probably fool your husband, too! |
8:00- | 9:00pm | Try using some Prosecco in salad dressing. |
9:00- | 10:00pm | If you are slicing pears for a salad or dessert, peel them first and then sprinkle them lightly with lemon juice to keep them looking fresh. |
10:00- | 11:00pm | There are taste differences in chili powders…taste them before you use them. |
11:00- | 12 midnight | Life is too short to eat boring food. |
12:00- | 1:00am | Choose smooth skinned fruits(lemons and limes)over rougher ones when you need juice. They are easier to squeeze. |
1:00- | 2:00am | Daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, olive oil and dairy products is important in the Mediterranean diet. |
2:00- | 3:00am | Be inspired by international cuisines that are known for their fresh, healthy food…Indian, Asian, Latin and Mediterranean. |
3:00- | 4:00am | As you cook, think about creating a “party in your mouth”! |
4:00- | 5:00am | Poblano peppers are not hot…great taste…roast them, stuff them… |
5:00- | 6:00am | Put tomatoes in boiling water for 10 seconds…then remove skins. |
6:00- | 7:00am | When you eat, taste the different textures in your mouth. |
7:00- | 8:00am | Now, celebrate your Inner Diva! |