Dazzle your family or friends
with an in-home culinary tour…
GREET your hosts, as they hand over your Italian Gourmet apron
MEET Chef Antonio Cecconi, born and raised in Sicily…
where he learned to cook from the best, his mother…
TOAST your hosts with Italian Prosecco to thank them for the invitation to this
extraordinary evening
DISCUSS and learn about Italian cuisine, specifically the chosen menu
PREPARE AND/OBSERVE your 6 course feast with two appetizers,
two pastas, a salad, fresh bread, entrée and dessert
INDULGE AND DELIGHT in the tastes you’ve help create
BE SURPRISED with a personalized cookbook from Antonio
DREAM of a trip to Tuscany…Ciao!
Click here to view us in action!
Check out Antonio’s catering business website:
He conducts classes in local schools and cooking stores, and private parties
in homes.
Check out his cookbook where you can choose the recipes for your menu:
Betty Crocker’s Italian Cooking, recipes by Antonio Cecconi
There are many tales on the origination of the recipe for Irish coffee.
The drink was served in the Shannon Airport going back to the 1940s.
Itʼs arrival in the USA can be attributed to Stanley Delaplane, a travel writer for the San Francisco Chronicle. His first taste of the concoction was at the Shannon airport and he thoughtfully brought Irish coffee to the Buena Vista Cafe in San Francisco. He didnʼt
have the exact recipe, and initial success eluded him as the cream would not stay on
top. All this experimentation caused him several very serious hangovers. Eventually,
with the help of a local dairy man, they found that slightly aged whole cream with a
slight whipping would handily stay on top of the coffee/whiskey mixture.
Irish Coffee
1 1/2 oz Irish whiskey
1 t sugar
6 oz hot black coffee
slightly whipped cream
1. Pour whiskey into a mug. Add the sugar and stir until dissolved
2. Add the hot coffee, stir
3. Pour cream over the back of a spoon held slightly above coffee. Pour until desired thickness of cream layer
4. The sugar in the drink and the slightly whipped cream insure that the cream stays